Hi there!

I’m Paula! A Christian, Certified Pilates Instructor, with a love for Pilates, dedication, and God-given mission to making health and wellness accessible to EVERY1 through the practice.

I can’t wait to see you in class.



“Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit.”

— Joseph Pilates

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of HAPPINESS”

— Joseph Pilates

What we do…Where we do it…Who we do it with.

  • Pilates For Men

    Experience a dynamic and cardio-focused full-body flow, designed to enhance your natural upper body strength while effectively engaging your mid and lower body muscles. Unlock your full potential and achieve a well-rounded physique with our specialized program tailored for men.

  • Pilates For Women

    Experience the transformative power of Pilates, connecting your body and mind. Discover the art of small movements that enhance flexibility, mobility, and expand your range of motion. Designed specifically for the feminine figure, unlock your full potential and embrace a balanced, graceful strength.

  • Pilates For Kids

    Rediscover the joy of an active and youthful body! Join our invigorating class filled with dynamic and enjoyable movements designed to preserve the vitality of our original design. Embrace the energy of a vibrant life through fun and engaging exercises.

  • Studio Classes (Co-ed)

    Experience a transformative blend of mid-intensity, cardio-based workouts that seamlessly integrate the mind-body connection. Elevate your practice as you engage in dynamic exercises that boost cardiovascular fitness while fostering a deeper connection between your body and mind.

  • Corporate Pilates

    Transform your workplace with our holistic wellness solutions, promoting physical and mental well-being. Experience the self-help benefits of our tailored programs, fostering a healthier and more productive work environment. Elevate wellness in your organization today.

  • Privates & Semi-Privates

    Discover the essence of self-care by customizing your Pilates experience to address your body's specific requirements. Unveil the pleasure of prioritizing your well-being alongside a companion, whether it's a friend or your significant other.

  • Zoom Group Class

    Discover the ultimate Pilates community, uniting enthusiasts worldwide. Stay active on-the-go or during travel with our accessible and affordable classes. Experience the convenience of joining from anywhere, fostering connections and keeping your Pilates journey thriving no matter where you are in the world.

  • Prison Ministry

    Our transformative prison ministry program utilizes Pilates as a powerful tool for inmate rehabilitation. Experience improved physical fitness, reduced stress/anxiety, and increased discipline/focus, aiding successful reintegration into society. Discover the path to a brighter future through Pilates.

Bring Us to Your Organization

Bring Us to Your Organization

Make a donation

Your donations contribute to serving our community by enhancing the quality of their lives through planting fitness centers, and the continuation of free Pilates classes, customizable to all levels of fitness.

Join us!

Stay Updated!

Stay Updated!


Learn more about Pilates and start your practice today with our complete starter-kit.

Our Starter-kit is designed to educate you on how to effectively and safely incorporate each of the affordable props of Pilates, as well as guide you on finding new resources for your continuing self-practice.

Our Mission to make health and wellness accessible to Every1 starts here!

Love -

Paula M.

Say More

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20